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- Official Name: Republic of Peru
- Geography
- Area: 28 million sq. km. (496,222 sq. mi.); three times larger than
- California.
- Cities: Capital--Lima/Callao metropolitan area (pop. 7 million, 1993).
- Other cities--Arequipa, Chiclayo, Cusco, Huancayo, Trujillo, Piura,
- Iquitos, Chimbote.
- Terrain: Western coastal plains, central rugged mountains (Andes),
- eastern lowlands with tropical jungle forests. Climate: Coastal area,
- arid and mild; Andes, temperate to frigid; eastern lowlands, tropically
- warm and humid.
- People
- Nationality: Noun and adjective--Peruvian(s).
- Population (1994 est.): 22.9 million
- (69% urban).
- Annual growth rate (1994 est.): 2.0%.
- Ethnic groups: Indian 45%; mestizo 37%; Caucasians 15%; black, Asian,
- and other 3%.
- Religion: Roman Catholic.
- Languages: Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara.
- Education: Years compulsory--11. Literacy--About 98%.
- Health: Infant mortality rate--52/1,000 Life expectancy--65 yrs.
- Work force: 8.4 million. Agriculture--35%. Industry--10%. Mining--
- 12%. Other services--27%. Commerce--16%.
- Government
- Type: Constitutional republic.
- Independence: 1821.
- Constitution: December 1993.
- Branches: Executive--president, two vice presidents, Council of
- Ministers. Legislative--unicameral Congress. Judicial--Supreme Court
- and lower courts, Tribunal of Constitutional Guarantees (authorized
- under 1993 constitution but not yet established).
- Administrative subdivisions: 12 regions, 24 departments, 1
- constitutional province.
- Political parties: Change 90/New Majority, Popular Action (AP),
- American Popular Revolutionary Alliance (APRA), Popular Christian Party
- (PPC), Democratic Left Movement (MDI).
- Suffrage: Universal over 18; compulsory until age 70 (members of the
- military may not vote).
- Peru's ethnic structure is primarily made up of Indians, mestizos, and
- Caucasians. Some Peruvians also are of African descent, and Lima and
- other coastal cities have Chinese and Japanese communities. Mestizos
- form a cultural bridge between the Hispanic-European and Indian
- societies. Caucasians tend to be culturally homogeneous throughout the
- country, whereas the mestizos and Indians show greater cultural
- diversity. Due to education, economic development, and the movement
- from rural to urban areas, however, a more homogeneous national culture
- is developing, especially in major cities.
- Peru has two official languages--Spanish and the foremost indigenous
- language, Quechua. Spanish is used by the government and the media, and
- in education and commerce. Indians who live in the Andean highlands
- speak Quechua and Aymara and are ethnically distinct from Indians who
- live in the jungle and on the eastern side of the Andes. The latter
- groups speak various languages and dialects. Some of these tribes still
- live much as they have since prehistoric times, while others have been
- almost completely assimilated into the mestizo-Hispanic culture.
- Education
- Under the 1993 constitution, primary education is free and compulsory.
- The system is highly centralized, with the Minister of Education
- appointing all public school teachers. Eighty-four percent of Peru's
- students attend public schools at all levels. School enrollment has
- been rising sharply for years, due to a widening educational effort by
- the government and a growing school-age population. Illiteracy is more
- than 70% in isolated, mountainous areas and is estimated at 28% in urban
- areas. Elementary and secondary school enrollment is about 5 million.
- University enrollment is more than 250,000.
- Culture
- The relationship between Hispanic and Indian cultures determines much of
- the nation's cultural expression. During pre-Columbian times, Peru was
- one of the major centers of artistic expression in America. Pre-Inca
- cultures, such as Chavin, Paracas, Nazca, Chimu, and Tiahuanaco,
- developed high-quality pottery, textiles, and sculpture. Drawing upon
- earlier cultures, the Incas continued to maintain these crafts but made
- even more impressive achievements in architecture. The great fortress
- of Machu Picchu and the buildings at Cusco are excellent examples of
- Inca architectural design.
- Peru has passed through various intellectual stages--from colonial
- Hispanic culture to European Romanticism after independence. The early
- 20th century brought indigenismo, expressed in a new awareness of Indian
- culture. Since World War II, Peruvian writers, artists, and
- intellectuals have participated in worldwide intellectual and artistic
- movements, drawing especially on U.S. and European trends.
- During the colonial period, Spanish baroque fused with the rich Inca
- tradition to produce mestizo or creole art. The Peruvian (Cusco) school
- followed the Spanish baroque tradition with influence from the Italian,
- Flemish, and French schools.
- Pancho Fierro made a distinctive contribution with his portrayals of
- typical events, manners, and customs of mid-19th century Peru.
- Francisco Lazo, forerunner of the indigenous school of painters, also
- achieved fame for his portraits, as did others. Peru's 20th-century art
- is widely known for its extraordinary variety of styles and originality.
- In the 1930s, a group of Peruvian artists reacted against the
- limitations of the indigenous styles and adopted a more international
- style. Peruvian sculpture has followed the same trend.
- When the Spanish landed in 1531, Peru's territory was the nucleus of the
- highly developed Inca civilization. Centered at Cusco, the Inca Empire
- extended over a vast region from northern Ecuador to central Chile. In
- search of Inca wealth, the Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro arrived in
- the territory after the Incas had fought a debilitating civil war and
- easily conquered the weakened people. The Inca capital at Cusco had
- fallen by 1533, and the Spanish had consolidated control by 1542. Gold
- and silver from the Andes enriched the conquerors, and Peru became the
- principal source of Spanish wealth and power in South America.
- Pizarro founded Lima in 1535. The viceroyalty established at Lima in
- 1542 initially had jurisdiction over all of South America except
- Portuguese Brazil. By the time of the wars of independence (1820-24),
- Lima had become the most distinguished and aristocratic colonial capital
- and the chief Spanish stronghold in America.
- Peru's independence movement was led by Jose de San Martin of Argentina
- and Simon Bolivar of Venezuela. San Martin proclaimed Peruvian
- independence from Spain on July 28, 1821. Emancipation was completed in
- December 1824, when Gen. Antonio Jose de Sucre defeated the Spanish
- troops at Ayacucho, ending Spanish rule in South America. Spain made
- futile attempts to regain its former colonies, but in 1879 it finally
- recognized Peru's independence.
- After independence, Peru and its neighbors engaged in intermittent
- territorial disputes. Chile's victory over Peru and Bolivia in the War
- of the Pacific (1879-83) resulted in a territorial settlement.
- Following a clash between Peru and Ecuador in 1941, the Rio Protocol--of
- which the United States is one of four guarantors--sought to establish
- the boundary between the two countries. (Continuing boundary
- disagreement last led to a brief armed conflict in early 1981.)
- The military has been prominent in Peruvian history. Coups have
- repeatedly interrupted civilian constitutional government. The most
- recent period of military rule (1968-80) began when Gen. Juan Velasco
- Alvarado overthrew elected President Fernando Belaunde Terry of the
- Popular Action Party (AP). As part of what has been called the "first
- phase" of the military government's nationalist program, Velasco
- undertook an extensive agrarian reform program and nationalized the
- fishmeal industry, some petroleum companies, and several banks and
- mining firms.
- Because of Velasco's economic mismanagement and deteriorating health, he
- was replaced by Gen. Francisco Morales Bermudez Cerruti in 1975.
- Morales Bermudez moved the revolution into a more pragmatic "second
- phase," tempering the authoritarian abuses of the first phase and
- beginning the task of restoring the country's economy. Morales Bermudez
- presided over the return to civilian government in accordance with a new
- constitution drawn up in 1979. In the May 1980 elections, President
- Belaunde Terry was returned to office by an impressive plurality.
- Nagging economic problems left over from the military government
- persisted, worsened by a period of unusual weather in 1982-83, which
- caused widespread flooding in some parts of the country, severe droughts
- in others, and decimated the schools of ocean fish that are one of the
- country's major resources. After a promising beginning, Belaunde's
- popularity eroded under the stress of inflation, economic hardship, and
- terrorism.
- During the 1980s, illegal cultivation of coca was established in large
- areas on the eastern Andean slope. Rural terrorism by Sendero Luminoso
- and the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement increased during this time
- and derived significant financial support from the illegal drug
- industry. The 1983 municipal elections were won largely by opposition
- party candidates. In 1985, the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance
- (APRA), founded in 1928 by Victor Raul Haya de la Torre, won the
- presidential election, bringing Alan Garcia Perez to office. The
- transfer of the presidency from Belaunde to Garcia on July 28, 1985, was
- Peru's first exchange of power from one democratically elected leader to
- another in 40 years.
- Extreme economic mismanagement by the Garcia administration led to
- hyperinflation from 1988 to 1990. Concerned about the economy, the
- increasing terrorist threat from the Sendero Luminoso, and allegations
- of official corruption, voters chose a relative unknown, Alberto
- Fujimori, as president in 1990.
- The president is popularly elected for a 5-year term; the 1993
- constitution permits re-election. The first and second vice presidents
- also are popularly elected but have no constitutional functions unless
- the president is unable to discharge his duties. Although currently
- vacant, the two vice presidential positions will be filled by the
- winning candidates of the April 1995 elections. The principal executive
- body is the Council of Ministers, headed by a prime minister. The prime
- minister and the Cabinet are appointed by the president. All
- presidential decree laws or draft bills sent to Congress must be
- approved by the Council of Ministers.
- The legislative branch consists of a unicameral congress of 80 members;
- this will increase to 120 members in 1995. In addition to passing laws,
- Congress is empowered to approve treaties, authorize government loans,
- and approve the government budget. The president has the power to
- review legislation but may not formally veto laws passed by Congress.
- The judicial branch of government is headed by a 16-member Supreme Court
- seated in Lima. The Tribunal of Constitutional Guarantees, a separate
- judicial body dissolved by President Fujimori in April 1992, is
- expected to interpret the constitution on matters of individual rights.
- An attorney general serves as a judicial ombudsman; the 1993
- constitution calls for the creation of a separate Defender of the
- People. Superior courts in departmental capitals reviews appeals from
- decisions by lower courts. Courts of first instance are located in
- provincial capitals and are divided into civil, penal, and special
- chambers.
- Peru is divided into 24 departments and the constitutional province of
- Callao, the country's chief port, adjacent to Lima. The departments are
- subdivided into provinces, which are composed of districts. Local
- authorities below the departmental level are elected.
- Principal Government Officials
- President--Ing. Alberto Fujimori
- First Vice President--vacant
- Second Vice President--vacant
- Ministers
- Prime Minister--Efrain Goldenberg Schreiber
- Minister of the Presidency--Ma. Luisa Federici Soto
- Foreign Minister--Efrain Goldenberg Schreiber
- Economy and Finance--Ing. Jorge Camet Dickmann
- Interior--Dr. Juan Briones Davila
- Justice--Dr. Fernando Vega Santa Gadea
- Defense--Gen. Victor Malca Villanueva
- Education--Jorge Trelles Montero
- Public Health--Dr. Jaime Freundt Thurne-Oyanguren
- Agriculture and Food--Ing. Absalon Vasquez Villanueva
- Labor--Dr. Augusto Antonioli Vasquez
- Transportation and Communications --Dr. Dante Cordova Blanco
- Energy and Mines--Ing. Daniel Hokama T.
- Fisheries--Ing. Jaime Sobero Taira
- Industry, Commerce, Tourism, and Integration--Dra. Liliana Ma.Canale
- Novella
- Ambassador to the United States--Ricardo Luna
- Permanent Representative to the United Nations--Fernando Guillen
- Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS)--Beatriz
- Ramacciotti
- Peru maintains an embassy in the United States at 1700 Massachusetts
- Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20036 (tel. 202-833-9860). Peru has
- consulates in New York; Paterson, N.J.; Miami; Chicago; Houston; Los
- Angeles; and San Francisco.
- President Fujimori inherited a government which faced an increasingly
- powerful insurgency by the Sedero Luminoso; hyperinflation; statist
- economic policies; international isolation; rapidly growing cocaine
- production and trafficking; and a new low in voters' confidence in
- political institutions. President Fujimori's economic shock program
- sharply reduced inflation. Peru resumed its ties with the international
- financial community, reduced trade restrictions, and welcomed foreign
- investment.
- In April 1992, the President carried out an "auto-coup," dissolving
- congress and regional governments and assuming control over the
- judiciary. There was broad popular support for the coup, which
- reflected long frustration with politicians' inefficiency and
- corruption. Operating with a small circle of advisers, including the
- National Intelligence Service (SIN), the president ruled by decree law.
- His intention, frequently stated, was to modernize Peru and end
- corruption, drug-trafficking, and terrorism. Following pressure from
- the Organization of American States and the United States, the President
- convened elections for a constituent congress on November 1992. The OAS
- declared that these and the municipal elections held in February 1993
- were fair. The government won approval of the new constitution by a
- slim margin in October 1993.
- Political parties, such as Accion Popular, did well in the 1993
- municipal elections. Opposition and independent politicians are
- actively preparing for the presidential/congressional elections in 1995.
- President Fujimori, whose approval rating was in the 60%- plus range in
- October 1994, is campaigning for re-election.
- President Fujimori continued the increased focus by the police and army
- on intelligence and civic action in fighting the SL. The capture of SL
- leader Abimael Guzman in September 1992, followed by other captures,
- significantly damaged the guerrillas. Guzman called for SL to enter
- peace negotiations with the government in 1993.
- Human rights violations by the security forces dropped considerably in
- late 1992, as military authorities regained confidence in their
- abilities to subdue terrorism. President Fujimori has asserted his
- personal authority over the armed forces to an extent almost unequalled
- in Peruvian history. The arrest of several generals and other officers
- in November 1992 for coup plotting revealed tensions within the armed
- forces.
- The economic restructuring program of the Fujimori administration is
- beginning to have a positive effect on Peru's economy, which has
- suffered decades of high inflation, unproductive investment policies,
- high foreign debt, subsidies, mismanagement, and corruption. Trade,
- investment, and foreign exchange policies have been liberalized as well
- as laws on labor and land. Inflation has been reduced significantly
- through tight monetary and fiscal policies. Domestic deficit financing
- has been curbed through tax reform, corrections in public prices, and
- expenditure control, including the elimination of subsidies. In mid-
- 1994, the Fujimori administration had attained significant successes in
- privatizing all state-owned enterprises. The government sold its share
- in the national phone system to a Spanish company for more than $2
- billion and later sold one of two major government banks to an
- international consortium in 1994.
- Growth in fisheries and the agricultural sector was spurred by the
- abatement of the El Nino climatic phenomenon which had caused the
- depletion of ocean fish stocks and drought on shore. In fact, in 1993,
- the strongest growth took place in the fisheries sector, especially in
- the production of fishmeal for animal feed. Fisheries grew 24% in 1993.
- Output in the construction sector also grew significantly, with a 14%
- increase. Agricultural production rose 6% in 1993. The recovery of
- this sector was concentrated in the crop sub-sector, which climbed 10%.
- Mining and petroleum production rose 8% with similar increases in
- petroleum and mineral production. The manufacturing sector also
- underwent a significant recovery, especially in primary processing;
- which rose 9% in 1993. Total manufacturing production increased 7%.
- Preliminary data for 1994 show that the leading growth sectors--both in
- terms of their contribution to overall output--and rates of growth are
- manufacturing, which rose 15% in January-May compared with the same
- period of 1993; construction, which surged by 30%; agriculture, which
- climbed 16%; and electricity, which was up 11%. The fisheries sector,
- while accounting for only about 2% of total output, made a significant
- contribution to overall growth by rising 34% during the first five
- months of 1994 against the comparable 1993 period. Mining output is
- projected to grow, aided by recovering international prices and the
- development of joint ventures attracting significant foreign investment,
- especially in the more prosperous Peruvian mining operations.
- For 1994 as a whole, manufacturing is expected to grow by 8%-9%. Use of
- capacity should rise to 58%-60% by the end of the year, compared with
- 53% at the end of 1993. Primary product processing continues to play an
- important role, and growth rates are highest in fishmeal, leather and
- skins, and foundry products. With an apparent recovery of demand,
- output of consumer goods also is on the rise.
- The construction sector also will continue to grow strongly with output
- increasing a projected 12%-15%. Strong public sector investment in
- highway rehabilitation, schools, water, sewage, and rural
- electrification should fuel demand. Output should also rise in the
- housing sector, because of a strengthened public housing program and the
- reinitiation of a private mortgage system.
- Narcotics
- Peru is the world's leading producer of the coca leaf. Two-thirds of
- the world's cocaine supply originates from coca leaf grown in Peru.
- Contributions of this illicit industry to national economy is unknown
- but probably adds several $100 million a year at a minimum. Some
- 100,000 farmers are involved in the production. The large inflow of
- illegal dollars from the drug industry artificially strengthens the
- Peruvian sol against the dollar, helping to erode international
- competitiveness of the country's legitimate exports.
- In 1993-94, the Government of Peru conducted operations, which included
- the seizure of drug traffickers and drugs; the destruction of coca labs;
- disablement of clandestine air strips; and prosecution of security
- officers involved in narcotics corruption. The government also created
- programs to eradicate coca seed beds and enacted laws to ensure the
- destruction of poppy cultivation. Peru is cooperating with
- multinational efforts to eliminate precursor chemicals used to transform
- coca leaf into cocaine.
- Foreign Trade and Balance Of Payments
- In 1993, Peru recorded a total merchandise trade deficit of more than
- $500 million. Peru's first-quarter 1994 merchandise trade deficit
- amounted to $247 million. In 1993, U.S. merchandise exports to Peru
- totaled $1.1 billion; U.S. imports from Peru were $754 million.
- Generally, the 1994 balance of payments strengthened the trends begun in
- 1993 and increased long-term capital flows into Peru. This resulted in
- a larger capital account surplus, and a higher current account deficit.
- In 1993, the Peruvian balance-of-payments surplus was $500 million. The
- current account deficit of $1.775 billion, according to Central Bank
- statistics, was more than covered by capital inflows. Within those
- flows, long-term investments are becoming more prominent. The long-term
- capital account surplus in 1993 was $1.237 billion, up from $612 million
- in 1992. Short-term capital flows fell sharply--from $1.576 billion in
- 1992 to $1.037 billion in 1993.1
- The overall Peruvian balance-of-payments surplus for 1994 was estimated
- to be more than $2.5 billion, with inflows from the privatization
- program likely to exceed $3 billion. This inflow of capital is
- financing a current account deficit that is expected to be somewhat
- higher this year than in 1993, especially given an expected real
- appreciation of the sol in 1994.
- Foreign Investment
- The Fujimori government seeks to attract both foreign and domestic
- investment in all sectors of the economy. Macroeconomic instability, a
- hostile political climate, and terrorism discouraged such investment in
- the past, but increasing reforms and success in the Peruvian
- Government's war on terrorism have helped attract more foreign
- investors. The new constitution--enacted January 1, 1994--Legislative
- Decree 662 (DL 662) of September 1991, the Foreign Investment Promotion
- Law, DL 757 of November 1991, and the Framework Law for Private
- Investment Growth are the basic legal frameworks for foreign investors
- in Peru. Supreme Decree 162 (DS 162) of October 1992 provides the
- implementing regulations for these legislative decrees.
- Foreign investment is now subject to national treatment and is permitted
- in almost all economic activity. Article 63 of the new constitution
- states that "national and foreign investment are subject to the same
- terms." Although foreign investment must be registered with the
- National Commission on Foreign Investment and Technology, if the
- investor intends to repatriate capital, profits, and royalties, no
- authorization is actually required to move funds abroad. All investors
- need prior approval to invest in industries that manufacture weapons.
- Economic Outlook
- The Peruvian Government's primary economic objective is to reduce
- inflation to single digits and then to focus more on social and economic
- growth programs. The government hopes to lower inflation to 9% in 1995.
- Current indicators suggest that the 1995 increase in GDP growth rate
- could exceed that projected for 1994. With single-digit inflation,
- strong economic potential, and continued foreign investment, Peru could
- continue its economic recovery well into the latter half of the 1990s.
- Nonetheless, the government's preoccupation with macroeconomic issues,
- insufficient capital investment funds at home, and a dramatic drop in
- foreign credits as a result of Peru's policy of debt-service limitation.
- Upgrading education and services, reducing the 2.0% population growth
- rate through expanded family planning activities, decentralizing the
- economy, and agricultural development remain high government priorities,
- as does reducing the high unemployment and underemployment rates.
- President Fujimori is increasing Peru's ties to Japan and other
- countries on the Pacific Rim, as noted by several presidential visits
- and many others by government officials to the region. The April 1992
- coup strained Peru's relations with many OAS and European countries.
- Relations improved as the government has returned to democratic
- institutions through the Constituent Congress process. The President
- aims to improve relations with its neighbors. Peru is a member of the
- Andean pact together with Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.
- Peru has been a member of the United Nations since 1949. Former UN
- Secretary General (1981-91) Javier Perez de Cuellar is Peruvian.
- The principal U.S. interests in Peru continue to be the stability and
- strengthening of democratic institutions, protection of human rights,
- ending illegal Peruvian exports of cocaine, interdicting the flow of
- narcotics to the Untied States, and maintaining sustainable economic
- development.
- U.S. relations with Peru have improved after the Peruvian Government
- implemented its May 1992 promises to the OAS Ministerial Meeting
- (Nassau) to restore democracy after the coup. Peru has accepted U.S.
- offers to provide technical assistance for the 1995 elections, which
- will be an important test for democracy. Human rights remains a
- significant element of U.S. policy toward Peru. The terrorists remain
- the largest violator of human rights in Peru. The number of
- extrajudicial executions and disappearances by security forces dropped
- in 1994. With the November 1994 elimination of the repentant terrorist
- law, under which terrorists could gain lighter sentences by providing
- information on operations and members to the government, the number of
- arbitrary detentions should also slow. However, impunity of security
- forces accused of past human rights abuses continues, and trials of
- accused terrorists in military and civilian courts lack due process
- guarantees.
- With increasing success against terrorism, the Peruvian Government has
- turned more effort and resources toward control of the illegal cocaine
- industry. The Peruvian Government recently adopted a comprehensive
- national drug control plan. However, corruption and crippling resource
- constraints have limited Peruvian efforts. The United States and other
- donors recognize that a significant long-term alternative development
- assistance effort, complemented by control of illegal drug trafficking,
- is necessary to reduce economic dependence of a large farming population
- on coca production, and thus make it politically possible to eliminate
- coca destined for illicit drug production.
- The United States fully supports Peru's efforts to reinsert itself in
- the international financial community. The United States was a co-
- leader, along with Japan, of the Peru Support Group in 1993.
- U.S. Economic Assistance
- U.S. bilateral assistance to Peru, including food aid and disaster
- relief and rehabilitation, totaled more than $714 million during the
- 1990-94 period. Peru has been the Agency for International
- Development's (USAID) largest program in South America. USAID has
- provided valuable resources for priority development projects at a time
- when Peru's own domestic resources have been severely restricted by the
- need for austerity in public spending and by unprecedented natural
- disasters.
- Through Title II Food Aid Programs, USAID assists 2.6 million Peruvians
- living below the poverty threshold. Designed to alleviate not only
- hunger and to help them become reincorporated into the economy, it also
- provides food for work activities, which have created jobs for 125,000
- temporary workers while building basic productive infrastructure for
- sustainable development. In addition, the assistance has provided
- capital access, management, technical, and business skills to 6,000
- people, helping them to establish or maintain small businesses.
- USAID also provides health, nutrition, and family planning services,
- emphasizing preventive health and nutrition interventions for young
- children and their mothers. USAID is the major donor for immunization
- in Peru. In 1993, immunization coverage of children under age one
- reached the highest levels ever in the country. Further, in 1994, a
- major public health milestone will be reached: Polio will be declared
- eradicated from the Americas, an accomplishment that has not yet been
- attained in any other region. The last case of polio in the region
- occurred in Peru in 1991. Moreover, adequate clinical treatment and use
- of oral rehydration therapy have contributed to an extremely low
- fatality rate of slightly over 1% for cholera in 1994.
- USAID developed a nationwide computerized health and management
- information system--the first in the Latin America and Caribbean region-
- -for the Ministry of Health. The system links the ministry's 32 health
- regions and gives information-sharing on health statistics nationwide
- and for comparative purposes. This will help improve national health
- planning and better allocate scarce resources to segments of the
- population in greatest need.
- Toward strengthening the investment climate through improved legal,
- regulatory, and judicial environment, USAID financed the creation of the
- Lima Chamber of Commerce's Arbitration Center, which resulted in more
- efficient resolution of commercial conflicts and is an effective
- alternative to the slow judicial system. The Microenterprise and Small
- Producers Support Project helped increase small business earnings by $25
- million and expand Peru's agricultural export base by 2,000 small
- agricultural producers with more access to both national and
- international markets.
- Increased democratization and transparency of government decision-making
- has been advanced through proactive initiatives of numerous USAID-
- assisted non-governmental organizations, including the Institute for
- Liberty and Democracy, Drug Information and Education Center, and FORO
- National/International.